Thursday, February 16, 2012

shots, stats, and studliness

1. Shots: Henry got his vaccinations today. He took one by mouth, and then got 3 shots in his thighs. I will admit my eyes watered a little bit, BUT i did not cry. The poor little thing did a blast off cry for 2-3 minutes and then was able to calm down with his pacifier. I brought a bottle to give him afterwards, and he guzzled down 3 ounces, and then was sleepy. By the time I made it out to the car, he was asleep. I know, he's a champ! :)

2. Stats:
Weight: 12.05 lbs -- 50.27%
Length: 22.5" -- 30.19%
Head Circumference: 15.5" -- 63.98%

When I relayed this info Josh he said, "Oh great, he has a huge head!" But really, his growth is spot on and staying in the same growth curve as it has been. The Dr was pleased with his progress.

3. Studliness: What's a good post without a Henry picture? I took this picture about 2 weeks ago, and it was the first time Henry wore actual pants, and shoes! Here he is in his white converse:

He wasn't too sure about it, but then he realized how cute he looked and he got over it ;)


The Blairs said...

Cam's head was 15.5 inches too, but they told me that was 31st%. Now I'm going to have to look it up to see what is right. I'm a nerd. And...that outfit is super adorable.

yourstrulydear said...

when he was 2 months? or more recently?

The Blairs said...

When he was 2 months old. I looked it up online and it says that is around the 25th%. I think the nurse/doctor told you wrong. Besides, his head doesn't even look big at all.