Thursday, June 21, 2012

6 months old!

Henry actually turned 6 months old last week, but his 6 month doctors appointment was today. It went well, and he got the last round of his current vaccines (good job, kiddo!).

Weight: 15.76 lbs -- 15.94%
Length: 25.75" -- 12.7%
Head circumference: 17.2" -- 59.02%

So...he's kind of a shrimp... But he's still growing on the curve for the growth charts they print out, so they said he's doing good.

When the pediatrician went to exam his stomach/hips/diaper area Henry was cracking up. He was doing his deep-belly laughs and must have thought she was tickling him :) It was adorable. The doctor said she's never had a baby do that, and it totally made her day. All three of us were laughing about it. What a silly little boy!

We also talked about his sleeping...and basically determined we need to have him cry it out, without his pacifier. I'm a little worried about this, but hopefully Henry will adapt quickly. He's a pretty smart baby so I'm hoping he won't have too much trouble with it. You might want to include us in your prayers tonight though ;)

And here are a few recent pictures:

"I puked a little bit mom! Don't worry, I'm cleaning it up though"

"Carrot victoryyyy!!"

"nigh nigh....zzzz..."

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