Monday, October 15, 2012

10 months old

Today Henry turned ten months old. He is such a big boy! He has grown so much in the past month. He went from being able to stand up by himself to being able to walk around while holding furniture.

He can open cupboards, and loves to open/close any doors or cabinets over and over. It's actually quite adorable. He especially loves the laundry area, because he can watch clothes swish around, and open and close doors at the same time. It's like heaven for him.

He now has two bottom teeth, like a cute little hillbilly. I love it. He also really enjoys walking all over when you hold his hands. He gets so proud of himself that he's walking around everywhere. Also, he can say "hi", "mama", and "dada" and actually say them with proper meaning sometimes. This morning when he was eating all of a sudden he stopped, looked up at me, said "hi", smiled, and then went back to eating. It was so adorable my heart just melted.

I love this little boy so much, and he is so much fun to have around. Lately whenever I exercise, Henry "helps" me out. He'll roll around the free weights if they're on the floor (he's buff!), he'll shake my blender bottle, and crawl all up on me and lay next to me and hold his legs up in the air. One of these days I'll have to have Josh record it, because it is a riot.

Happy 10 months Henry!!

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