Wednesday, December 19, 2012

12 month stats

Yesterday was Henry's 12 month doctors appointment. It went really well, and our pediatrician was very pleased with Henry's progress, and stats. I tried to convince her to move to the same city we're moving to and open her own practice, because I am in love with her! I'm pretty sure I'm still going to have her as our pediatrician and just drive up for appointments. That's how awesome she is (if you're looking for a pediatrician in Utah valley, let me know and I'll give you her info).

Here are his stats:

Weight: 21.63lbs -- 55.36%
Length: 29.25" -- 25.8%
Head circumference: 18.75" -- 88.65%

As usual...big head haha. But I'm so glad that his weight has gone up! He has always been on the shrimpy side, but now that he's done being a barf machine he's getting a little chunky.

playing at the Drs office while we were waiting
The worst part of the appointment was, of course, the shots. He had to have 4, which was sad. They did a good job doing them almost all at once, and Henry got over it relatively quickly. He's a tough guy!

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