Tuesday, January 15, 2013

13 months old

Henry is 13 months old today. And no, he still isn't walking (that's the first question everyone asks). This past weekend he took about 6 steps, which is the most I've seen him take on his own. He can cruise around perfectly fine while holding furniture, or even one of our hands, but as far as walking solo--he prefers his faster mode of transportation (crawling).

He is adorable as ever, of course. I swear he just gets cuter every day. This past month he has started saying "daddy" (instead of just "dada"), which is so cute! He says all his other words that he's been saying for a while now (hi, mama, dada, yeah).  He attempts to say other words like hello, mommy, and other stuff I can't remember, but his classics are the clearest. He also has been clapping and waving like crazy. He's been learning some more dance moves; I've caught him doing some booty shakes a couple times.

He loves his toys, his cousins, the cat, and all soft things. The cutest thing he does lately is he lays his head down sideways on something if he likes it, or it's soft. In which case Jay-Z (our cat, not the rapper) fits both bills. Jay-Z gets very nervous about it, but it is the most adorable thing ever. Sometimes Henry will make an "aww" noise, but mostly he'll wait for us to say "aww". The cutest thing happened over our vacation, when we went to the mall. We were in Forever21 and I was standing in front of a rack of faux-fur jackets, and all of a sudden Henry dives forward, lays his head sideways on all the soft fur, and went "aww". *Heart melting!!*

And as usual, here's a wonderful compilation of less-than-amazing-quality pictures from the last month for you to ooh and ahh over:

like father like son

squishy faces

Henry woke up in time for New Years, so we had our New Years kiss

Henry loves his lasagna!

he thinks daddy is hilarious, especially when holding him upside down

he brought home our national championship title. roll tide!

and he clapped a lot
Happy 13 months, buddy! We love your guts!

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