Saturday, February 16, 2013

14 months old

Yesterday Henry turned 14 months old! This past month has held a lot of adventures, mostly because of how crazy our lives have been (as you can tell by my lack of blogging!). Henry started walking in this past month, and ever since then he's been a walking machine! Now he hardly ever crawls anymore, and has improved his walking style from Frankenstein (full on arms sticking out in front of him!) to pro toddling. As usual, he still likes to get into everything, and is very adventurous. In the past month we have moved, and he's been our little helper through that. He's also been super spoiled because for the past two weeks we've been living with Mimi and Bear (Josh's parents), and they have been loving him up!

These pictures are sort of reverse order chronologically, but they all happened within the past month so it's ok. Here we go:

this little maestro has been improving his skills

he's been interested in watching Elmo a couple times. this is his intent face.

he helped us put our furniture back together in our new house. he's very handy.

he also got super sick, and was a poor little snuggle bug :( we think he had the flu. it was sad.

he still drinks a bottle before bed. its alright, our pediatrician said it was ok.

he had a lot of fun driving to our new place and back (a couple times!)

we were even riding buddies one day

he's become a yoga teacher. he's very advanced.

he's a pro now at climbing things and getting back on the floor properly. and being king of the hill.
and he really enjoyed his first visit to pizza factory (he takes after his mom)
As usual, it has been a really fun month, and so fun to see him constantly learning and growing. he now has 7 (almost 8--another one is coming through now) teeth, and is a legit TODDLER! I love this little boy, and I'm so excited to get to stay home with him more now that we're moving. :)

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