Saturday, April 21, 2012

4 months old

I am baby, hear me ROAR!

On Thursday Henry had his 4 month doctors appointment. He is doing awesome. I had to fill out a little questionnaire about what/how he is doing, and how he's acting/growing, etc. He rocked it :) Here are his 4 month percentiles:

Weight: 14.24lb -- 23.4%
Length: 24.75" -- 29.98%
Head Circumfrance: 16.5" -- 57.89%

So basically, he's a shrimp with a large head ;) haha. The pediatrician was pleased with his growth. She said as long as his weight percentile is in the 20s or above, he's totally fine, especially since he's still gaining perfectly fine. She also said he's one of the cutest babies she has ever seen, and that she sees a lot of babies. [When I told Josh this, he said she probably says that to every parent. Bubble burster...!]

He got his 4 month shots, which is always sad, but he was a champ as usual. I did the same as last time and brought a bottle, which he guzzled down immediately and was pretty much back to normal. An hour or so later when he woke up from his nap he was kind of grumpy, but then he got over it. The only thing we need to do is start putting him to bed earlier now that he's getting older. Which kind of makes me sad because it means less time with him after work, but we won't make it tooooo early ;) haha.


Unknown said...

Those stats are so small! I thought for sure he would be bigger than that! Maybe because I have a shrimp for a baby.

yourstrulydear said...

I thought he was bigger than that too. And everyone says he looks so long. Looks can be deceiving I guess? Haha