Wednesday, April 18, 2012

april so far

Henry's been getting so big! Time has seriously been FLYING! The nice thing about him getting bigger is that his personality has been coming out more and more, and he's become a much happier little baby. (Or maybe we just know what we're doing a little more now? haha). Regardless, he is such a cutie, and I am so grateful for him every single day ♥ Here's what's been going on in April so far:

We've been working a lot (boo!)
But it makes seeing Henry's sweet face after work that much better :)

We went to Arizona. See the blog about that HERE.

Henry's smiles are still crazy big and happy.
He is such a good baby!

We went to Sarah's wedding this past weekend.
Thankfully Henry was very well behaved. He also enjoyed eating Daddy's hand.

Henry turned 4 months old!!

Our friends Jeff & Darci let us borrow their jumper/exersaucer thing.
Henry's had a lot of fun in it so far, although he hasn't quite discovered its jumping aspect yet.

Henry's still having tons of fun hanging out with his cousins all day, and they all adore him (it's so sweet to see how they love him so much!)
His Aunt Sarah is nice and sends me cute pictures like this to brighten my work day :)

On Monday (April 16) Henry rolled over from his back to his front for the first time.
He's so talented ;) Here he is showing off his bad self!

It's been so fun seeing this little baby grow up! We feel so privileged to be his parents :) Lately he's discovered how to blow raspberries with his mouth. That is freakishly adorable. He's also been growling a lot lately, which is hilarious. He's super strong, as usual. He doesn't even really do tummy time anymore, because he'll automatically just roll right over. The last picture above was a rare moment when he felt complacent enough on his stomach to just hang out for a few moments.

Tomorrow is his 4 month appointment, so stay tuned for all his stats and whatnot!

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