Tuesday, May 15, 2012

5 months old!

Today Henry is 5 months old. I know I say this every month, but where has the time gone?!? This past month Henry has been growing, growling, kicking, rolling, being all around adorable, and trying to eat his delicious looking/tasting feet. These are all pictures from today:

what's up, yo?

i lovvvve to playyyyy!

what...is happening?

what? toys!?

i promise i was playing with them a lot, not just staring at them...
So Henry has been a real rolly poly this past week or two. It's pretty cute. The only thing is that sometimes he will roll into some sort of obstacle (the couch, for example), and will get stuck on his belly. He can't figure out that he needs to just roll back the other direction. So he'll remain stuck and start crying until we come roll him back the other way :)

like so. he got stuck on his playmat.

and then had a meltdown
Haha, don't worry, I rolled him back over ;) We love you so much Henny Benny!


Unknown said...

He is at such a fun age! I love it when they start rolling!! So fun!!

Emelro said...

adorable! i agree with darci...babies are the best at this age. also, he is really, really starting to look like you two. which is clearly a good thing as you're both models.