Sunday, May 20, 2012

future soccer player

Henry has this playmat from Mimi and Bear that he likes. When I first set it up he was tiny, so I didn't put the inflatable ball down by his feet like they show on the box. Instead I put it up by his hands instead of the orange octopus. Well yesterday I figured I would move the ball down to his feet now since he's bigger, and because he LOVES to kick. He's always kicking!! Henry definitely was having a great time kicking his ball like a professional soccer player. I think we might make some money out of this kid someday ;)

Enjoy the action shots:

"Well that wasn't there before..."

"hey mom, why didn't you do this sooner?!"
see the ball flying? he's super strong, I know

"That's all for now, folks! Gotta get back to practicing!"

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