Saturday, June 16, 2012

henry's first solids, part 1

Thursday night (June 14th) we set up Henry's highchair for the first time (thanks Mok and Pok!). Henry thought it was pretty awesome. He's been in Sarah's highchair before, but this one is his very own. We were going to wait until he turned 6 months exactly until we fed him his first "real food" (more than just rice cereal, but actual baby food), based on what our pediatrician advised, but we figured one day wouldn't make a bit of difference. The carrots were all ready to go since I made my first batch of baby food just a couple days before. So once we finally got the highchair put together and plopped him in, we were ready to roll.

"this is alllll mine?! awesome!!"

"let me break it in first. yes folks, that is a stream of puke you're lookin' at...yum..."

And for your viewing pleasure, I made Josh take a video:

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