Saturday, June 16, 2012

henry's first solids, part 2

As you can see in the video in part 1, Henry actually did enjoy eating his carrots. I took these pictures after the camera stopped rolling so I could keep documenting this amusing experience. Here's what happened...

"gimme, gimme more!"
"these are delish! what's in them?"

"let me do it mommm!"

"wait a minute..."

This is the part where Henry's tired-ness really set in, and he was fed up (pun intended) with this whole carrot business. His gung-ho attitude quickly disintegrated...

"make it stop!"


"what is happening!?"

"i refuse!"

"some got up my nose mom. i'm so over this!"
"i'm dirty"
Don't worry, the next day he did much better. Now he's a good little bunny, eating all his carrots. :)

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