Monday, November 12, 2012

Henry's first haircut

I have been fighting for Henry to not get his hair cut. I wanted to just grow it out and let it get nice and long. Because I think long hair is adorable, especially on babies. Josh has been pestering me for months to just cut it. I finally gave in today, based on some info from a trusted source that it would grow in better if we cut it. It was getting a little brillo-pad-ish in the back ;) haha. So Josh and I captured him in the bathroom and got to work.

"um dad, what is happening?!"
a lot of it looked like this...escaaaape!!

ta daaaaaa!!!
now he looks all growned up!
chillin with my cute little baby toddler (?!)
i love this little man!!
This little nugget is growing up so fast, and I can hardly even believe it! I was a little sad to cut his hair, but Josh just said I was being a silly mom. Which is true I suppose... Henry looks adorable with his new 'do. But he always looks cute, so what can I say? Now if we can just get rid of his cold, all will be well with the world :)


Emelro said...

ahhh! look, his hair is just like josh's! #twins

Liv said...

I can't believe he can now have a faux-hawk!!