Thursday, March 28, 2013

Mommy & Me Swim Class!

This month Henry and I have been going to a local Mommy & Me swim class! It has been so much fun, and the aqautic center in our city is really great. And Henry has actually been learning some fun things, mostly to be more confident/comfortable in the pool :) Tuesday was our last class, and my in-laws were in town (more on grandparents visits in a bit)--my mother-in-law was nice enough to come and take some pictures for us!! Yay!

Henry is ready to go swimming! (ps, all that stuff in the background isn't mine haha, it was just in the locker room)
got into the pool! yay!

Henry was throwing the duck and then trying to swim/reach for it

swimming with my baby!

we didn't really want to float... oh well!

Henry crawling out of the pool

there is a shallow area where the kiddos could crawl around and play

he kept being anti-social and crawling over to the net

Henny went down the fishy slide!

he was amazed with these mini fountains

with our new swim class buddies :)

this thing was pretty cool, Henny loved it

he went right under it and turned his face up

we should have taken video of this, but Henry LOVES sitting on the side of the pool and then jumping into my arms.
This has been such a fun experience, and I'm glad that we did it! We might even sign up for another month in the future :)

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