Friday, March 15, 2013

15 months old!

Henry is 15 months old today. Whoo hoo! Henry is seriously like a real kid now. I mean, obviously he's a kid, but he seems so grown up! He's walking, talking, eating whatever he wants, climbing up stuff on the playground, etc. It amazes me when he'll do something new and I realize just how much he is learning and growing. One thing he's been doing for a while is calling for us when we aren't around. As in, Josh will be at work and Henry will look around and ask "Daddy? Daddy?", or if I go out on an errand or something, he'll keep going to the door and ask "Mama? Mama?" I think it's pretty adorable.

In the past month or so he realized what "uh oh" means, and uses it whenever he drops anything. And I use the word "drop" freely... he's developed a bit of a brattitude sometimes, and will throw/drop his food off his tray on purpose when he doesn't want it anymore. I have a little video to showcase all of these aspects ;) haha

Henry has added a lot of words to his vocabulary. He can say kitty, doggy, shoes, uh oh, ha ha, thank you, mommy, daddy, no, yeah, yay, aww, hi, and probably other stuff too that I can't remember. I swear he says new words all the time.

"what you lookin at?"
i started making him green smoothies. he loves them, and actually eats his veggies/fruits!

"i run pizza factory! hood for life!"

This month we've also started taking Mommy & Me swimming classes. It is so much fun, and he loves splashing around and looking at all the other people at the pool.

before our first class. duck face!

look at his little swim suit!
Seriously, he's such a stud. Being at home with this little man during the day (even though I have to work) is so awesome. He is so cute and affectionate, and full of energy. I love when I get all my work done and we can just hang out or go to the playground. I love this kid!!

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