Wednesday, April 17, 2013

16 months

On Monday Henry turned 16 months old. As I say every month, I seriously can't believe how much time has gone by. He's so old now! Ahh! Henry has seemed to grow up so much this past month. His cognitive skills and speech have increased so much! He is such a smart kid, he constantly amazes me.

He knows how to say eyes, mouth (it sounds more like "mou"), and nose--and knows where each one is. He can say lots of words, he can't really say sentences except "Hi Kitty!!" which he says every day, gleefully. He loves that cat, it's hilarious.


yesterday, i nabbed him with a kiss

his favorite foods are still lasagna and tortellini

we went to the park on Sunday

my favorite boys

happy camper
I love this kid SO MUCH!! He's learned how to give kisses, but you have to ask him and he will only sometimes give them to you. I think half the time he forgets what it means, or he just doesn't want to bother haha. It just makes it that much sweeter when he does kiss you ♥ He's really good about hugging, and also knows to wave and say "hi", "bye", or "nigh' nigh'" correctly. Yup, he's a genious. Cutest kid in the world?! Obviously.

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